Monday, September 19, 2011

Finishing Strong at the Pentagon

You could feel the electricity in the air yesterday morning as 350 riders departed on the last leg of our 530 mile (not to include free bonus miles), eight day journey. As the riders closed on Washington DC we were joined by approximately 100 other riders. It was a mile long river of red, white and blue R2R jerseys snaking it's way through the streets of Washington slowly making it's way to the Pentagon. The ride closed on the Pentagon to throngs of cheering people. Everyone dismounted and made their way to the Pentagon Memorial.

The Pentagon Memorial garden was a very solemn and special place. In the garden are 184 benches. One for each person killed at the Pentagon September 11th. The benches are all aligned to the flight path American Flight 77 took into the west wall of the Pentagon that morning. On the end of each illuminated bench is the name of a person who lost their life that morning arranged in such a way that if you can read the name and you are facing the pentagon, that person was in the Pentagon. If you can read the name and are facing the skyline to the west, that person was on board the Flight 77. Trees are planted throughout the garden. Mari and I both agree that this memorial was nicely done and there was a special kind a peace that filled the garden. A very fitting place to finish this journey.

Well, our journey has finished and we feel very blessed to have been able to participate is such a great event. We were both challenged mentally and physically and rode farther than we ever though we would be able to. We have met so many wonderful folks along the way, seen first hand America's support for it's troops and at times felt we were placed there through...I don't know...providence? How else would we have met a man who knew Steve Redd back in his Ranger days and was able to draw strength from his photo? Or that Mari would meet the mother of a special woman in the life of Dave Hortman the day before we rode in his honor? Chance or providence, we were here for a reason and all things happen for a reason.

From what I can tell this morning, we have been able to raise a total $12,649. Wow!

Thank you so much for following us from Ground Zero to Shanksville to the Pentagon. Thank you for your donations. Thank you for your words of encouragement and support. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

God bless our Troops and may God continue to bless America.


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